a place to start your career when you don't know where to start

Monday, June 13, 2016

My Favorite Time Management Tip
(and a Giveaway! Free Stuff!)

Sometimes, it's the simple, seemingly obvious tips that are the game changers. You know, those little guys you blow off because, "That's so easy. No way that works."

Like, when someone told you to put a cup of water in the microwave when you're heating up pizza to keep the crust moist: so simple, it could never work. Right?

But let me tell you, it does. (And I take pizza very seriously, so I know.)

One of my favorite time management tips is one of those. You might read it and think, "This sounds too easy, and easy things don't work."

But it does. I swear. (And I take time management almost as seriously as pizza, so I wouldn't lie.)

First, let me ask you a question: have you ever noticed that when you're working under a tight deadline, you become a focused productivity ninja? Like, the night before you had a paper due in college: your brain was on rapid fire mode, and not once did you check Insta or Twitter.

But when you had attempted that same paper three days earlier, you were averaging about two sentences for every three cat videos.

Don't worry, it's natural. Most of us do it. We procrastinate until we don't have enough time to waste time.

And that's why this trick is one of my favorite time management tips: it takes advantage of something we all already do. Only instead of actually waiting until the last minute, the trick is to make a pseudo-deadline.

For example, I will look at all of my deadlines coming up in the next two weeks, and I will assign two or three tasks to every day. Then, I tell myself that I have to get those two or three tasks done before I can call it a day

It sounds silly, but by setting these self-imposed deadlines, I never fart around in the afternoons thinking, "Oh, I'll just finish this tomorrow." Because in my world, there is no tomorrow. The deadline is today.

Like I said—simple, but it works.

And now the fun stuff...

That being said, I have an announcement that is almost remotely related: I've decided to host a giveaway. It's been about a month since Audaciously So officially launched, so now I'm working on spreading the word and growing this community.

But instead of spamming every social media outlet I'm allowed on, I'm going to make this a little more fun by creating some good old fashioned competition.

So how does the giveaway work? Simple:


All you have to do to enter the giveaway is follow me on Pinterest (here I am!) and pin your favorite career-related pin using the hashtag #AudaciouslySo. I'm not a fan of hoops, so there will be no more for you to jump through.

The giveaway will end on Tuesday, June 21, 2016, at 12AM.

Once the giveaway is over, I will pick my favorite pin. Assuming that the lucky pinner is following me on Pinterest, she will win the prize! Specifically, whoever pins the most interesting pin will win:

This Pineapple Pencil Holder || to help you pimp out your desk, blogger style

Sound good? Good. Because I'm so excited to see what you all pin!

What's your favorite time management tip? Did you enter the giveaway? Leave me a comment and let me know!