Maybe you follow politics, or maybe "Kitten Jumps on Trampoline" is more your type of news story. Either way, you're going to want to know about Erin Schrode because she could be making history; at 25 years old, Erin could be the youngest woman to ever be elected to Congress.
In fact, no woman under the age of 30 has ever been elected to Congress. Actually, the average age of current Congress members is among the highest of any Congress in recent U.S. history, and only 20% of those members are women.
This doesn't make a lot of sense though, when you consider that more than half of Americans are women, and millennials make up the country's largest generation. Kind of annoying, right?
Apparently, Erin thought so too. In an interview with Marie Clare, Erin said, "This election cycle has angered and inspired [her]." But instead of posting the typical "angered but inspired" Facebook rant, Erin decided to do something a little more proactive.
And so now, she's running for Congress in California's District 2.
As a 25 year old myself, I can't imagine beginning that sort of crusade. I mean heck, even an empress like Tina Fey was still just working at a YMCA when she was our age. Mid-twenties just seems so young to be attempting something so important and (based on the numbers) so improbable.
But yet, here she is, attempting to do what I would have considered impossible.
Whether you agree with what she stands for or not, you have to give her credit for believing in something, and pursuing that something—even if it seems like a long shot. Even if you're perfectly fine with a mostly male, mostly old guy government, Erin still can be a good reminder that conditions don't have to be perfect for you to take your shot. After all, if she waited until women made up the majority of Congress, she might never get the chance to run.
So next time you think you can't, or it's hard, or now's not the right time, remember Erin. Because if she doesn't give in to the improbable, why should you?
What do you think about Erin? Is she too young to run for Congress? Have you ever attempted something that seemed impossible?
Also, if you're interested in Erin's campaign, check out her video below: