Required License(s)
Required Degree(s)
High School Diploma |
Importance of GPA
Emelia's Highest Degree: Bachelor's degree (Bachelor of Arts)
Emelia's College Major: Communication & Media Studies with a Minor in Psychology
Emelia's College GPA Range: 3.6-3.9
$30,000 to $70,000
Salaries are typically consistent, but can vary by company.
Getting the Job
How did you get your job?
I started in a different role at our salon and spa, as our Front Desk Coordinator and worked my way up in to this position. I had previous experience in another career where I put on many events and promoted the business which helped me coming in to my current role. My part time blogging hobby has taught me so much about social media that I incorporate in my professional position daily.
How important was networking to landing your position?
It's always great to have a mentor and a handful of people who share the same ideas, visions and understand what you are doing on a daily basis. I think discussing opinions, struggles and meeting people in the same field can do nothing but help you.
Life on the Job
What is a typical day (or week) for you like?
A typical day for me usually starts with e-mail. I review any incoming requests for events, or questions from brides or hosts of parties. While I'm reviewing e-mails, I'm also on social media seeing what is happening on our channels, along with checking out the competition. While we don't sale shop or put up discounts to compete with other businesses in our area, it's good to see what everyone is up to. I work on Excel sheets updating schedules for events making sure that the group is leaving the salon when they need to and that all our appointments are arranged so that the whole day runs smoothly. I may also be working on a promotion for an upcoming holiday, or taking a picture of some new jewelry that just came in from New York in our boutique to put on Instagram. I have a lot of hats to wear within my position, so staying organized with my to-do list is most important as I go about my day.
How closely does your typical day (or week) match up to the general "job description" for your position?
Very closely. My job description is a few pages long, but I love it. I'm a creative soul so I like working on many things at once. I enjoy big challenges, making things happen on a tight deadline and being busy.
Does being a woman affect any aspect of your career?
I think the industry I'm in helps me connect with the people I'm working with because they are mostly women.
What is the best thing about your job?
The best thing about my job is being a part of a special event in someone's life to make it memorable. Whether I'm hosting a 7 year old's birthday party or walking a bride out our front door I love making people feel great about themselves. I get to be part of their day from start to finish and beyond...when I share it on social media.
What is the worst thing about your job?
I never turn myself off. I wouldn't blame this on the job itself, rather the way my brain works. I get ideas, I become inspired... and I'm always curious.
How demanding is your job?
In terms of physical toughness, I wouldn't say my job is too demanding. Mentally, I'm always on. I can't help but check our social media sites in the evening at home and being on top of it all.
Do you have any advancement opportunities?
Not necessarily. I work for a small business (with less than 50 employees) as opposed to a large corporation, but the owner is very open to adding duties to my title as our business grows. I would love to see where this takes me next as social media evolves.
Advice for You
What are the skills, characteristics, or talents that are most important to be effective in your position?
Being organized, on top of the business, and very outgoing is extremely important in my position. I am always dealing with people, so I always need to be ready.
What advice would you give to someone thinking about pursuing a career like yours?
Look at it as an adventure. What can you do next? How can you make this next promotion, event, or advertisement better? Every day is different, so be ready for change, but enjoy the ride... it's such a fun one to be on.
If you could do it over again, would you still pursue the same career?
Yes, I would never think that my previous positions would have led me here but they all have added to my skill set that I continue to use now.
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