Required License(s)
For my position, I need an Educators Certificate in Guidance and Counseling K-12. I am also a Registered Mental Health Intern, working my way towards taking the state board exam.
Required Degree(s)
Master's degree (generally in school counseling), but some states allow other counseling related majors if your internship fits the right requirements. |
Importance of GPA
not very important
What do you need to do to maintain your license(s)?
The school district requires professional development often. Once I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, I will have to participate in continuing education as well to maintain my license.
Kylie's Highest Degree: Bachelor's degree (Bachelor of Arts) and Master's degree
Kylie's College Major: Bachelor's in Psychology and Criminal Justice; Master's in Mental Health Counseling
Kylie's College GPA Range: 3.6 for Bachelor's; 4.0 for Master's
Counselor salaries vary in every state.
(But I will tell you that we do not get paid enough.)
(But I will tell you that we do not get paid enough.)
Getting the Job
How did you get your job?
I have a mental health background, as well as experience providing therapy and other services in schools.
How important was networking to landing your position?
Not at all. I randomly applied from out of state.
Life on the Job
What is a typical day (or week) for you like?
There are no typical days in a middle school counselor's life.
How closely does your typical day (or week) match up to the general "job description" for your position?
... And even if I did have a typical day or week, it wouldn't match up to any job description.
Does being a woman affect any aspect of your career?
Actually, no. I'm pretty fortunate in that my administration supports me above and beyond.
What is the best thing about your job?
Getting to hang out with kids all day. It's never dull. Every single day something happens that makes me laugh. I work with some amazing people. My kids need me.
What is the worst thing about your job?
Sometimes it's heavy (if that makes sense). I see and hear a lot.
How demanding is your job?
Very. I work over my contracted hours often. I definitely earn my summer vacation for all of the hours I put in and don't get paid for. Physical toughness isn't necessarily required, but mentally, you better be a ninja.
Do you have any advancement opportunities?
Once I become a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, there will be a lot of opportunities to grow. Not so much as a middle school counselor, but I truly love my position regardless.
Advice for You
What are the skills, characteristics, or talents that are most important to be effective in your position?
Being able to connect with kids, truly hearing them, taking the time to build relationships, compassion, and patience.
What advice would you give to someone thinking about pursuing a career like yours?
It is one of the most worthwhile careers there is.
If you could do it over again, would you still pursue the same career?
I do love being a counselor, but my bank account would want me to pursue another career.